Friday 9 January 2015

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Pics Of Skin Rashes Biography


Rash is not a specific diagnosis. It is instead a general term that means an outbreak of skin inflammation and discoloration that change the way the skin looks and feels. Different types of skin rashes are:

1.Contact Dermatitis:Contact dermatitis is a type of skin inflammation that occurs when you come into contact with certain substances. Typically, the skin becomes red, sore, swollen, oozy, or crusty.
Types of Contact Dermatitis:
There are two types of contact dermatitis: irritant and allergic.
Irritant Contact Dermatitis:
Irritant contact dermatitis is the most common form of contact dermatitis. It makes up 80% of cases in the United States. This type occurs when substances directly injure the skin. It usually looks like a burn. It is most common on the hands and forearms, but can occur on any part of the body.
Substances that commonly cause contact dermatitis include:
solvents, such as turpentine and kerosene
fabric softener
hair dye
weed killers
rubber gloves
wet diapers
various chemicals
Jobs that require frequent exposure to heat and water—such as food preparation, dishwashing, and hairstyling—can make skin more prone to irritant contact dermatitis.
Phototoxic contact dermatitis is a form of irritant contact dermatitis in which the irritant is only activated after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light as in sunlight. This is common with perfumes and coal tar.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis:
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) occurs when your immune system reacts to a substance to which you are allergic. Your skin may become itchy, red, scaly, or raw. You may develop blisters that weep, ooze, or become crusty.
Common allergens that result in contact dermatitis include:
adhesives used for false eyelashes and toupees
antibiotics applied to the skin
nail polish
hair dye
metals, such as those in watch straps, jewelry, zippers, buttons, and clasps usually containing nickel
Photoallergic contact dermatitis is a form of ACD in which the substance only becomes sensitizing after exposure to UV light. This is typical of aftershave lotions, sunscreens, and topical sulfonamides.
In some cases, ingestion of a substance after topical sensitization can cause widespread dermatitis. For example, diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may be used on the skin to relieve itching. If sensitization occurs, taking Benadryl orally may then cause dermatitis. This is called systemically induced ACD.

2.Diaper Rash: Diaper rash is an irritation of the skin. It occurs mostly in babies, and it is a common condition. In the United States, it affects up to 35 percent of children under two years old. Most children suffer from it at least once before they are toilet trained. Also known as diaper dermatitis, diaper rash causes uncomfortable burning and redness on areas of the skin that come into contact with and rub against a diaper.

3.Bug Bite: Insects such as bees, ants, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, wasps and arachnids such as spiders may bite or sting when provoked or distressed. The initial contact may be painful, and it is often followed by an allergic reaction to venom deposited into your skin through the insect’s mouth or stinger. Most bites and stings cause nothing more than minor discomfort, but some encounters can be deadly, especially if you have severe allergies to the insect venom.
Prevention is certainly the best medicine, so knowing how to recognize and avoid biting and stinging animals or insects is the best way to stay safe.
The animals you should recognize and understand depend very much on where you live or where you’re visiting. Different regions of the United States are home to many of these creatures. Season also matters: mosquitoes and stinging bees and wasps, for example, tend to come out in force during the summer.

4.Fungal Infection: A jock with athlete’s foot. A baby with thrush. A woman with a vaginal yeast infection. All three people have fallen prey to a fungal infection, which can occur in several places on our bodies. Fungi are microorganisms characterized by a substance in their cell wall called chitin.
Some fungi, like many types of mushrooms, are edible. Others, like aspergillus, can be extremely dangerous when they infect our bodies and lead to life-threatening diseases. In between are many other types of fungi that are capable of causing infections in our lungs, skin and nails.

5.Fleas and Flea Infestations: Fleas are tiny, reddish-brown insects. They are bloodsucking insects that normally feed on animals, but they can also feed on humans. Fleas are wingless, but have flat bodies and strong legs, which enable them to jump incredible distances. Fleas can jump up to 80 times their own height, according to the Entomological Society of America. This is the equivalent of a human jumping 1.5 football fields into the air. (Ent Soc) Fleas travel from host to host by jumping from one person or animal to another.
Their armored bodies make fleas almost impossible to crush. This is why an infestation can thrive in your carpet, even in a high-traffic area. If you have a flea infestation in your home, you may notice your animals scratching more than usual or you might see fleas hopping onto your carpet or furniture. Fleas can easily hide in your carpet, so you may not be aware of their presence until a large infestation has occurred.

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Pics Of Skin Rashes Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

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