Friday 9 January 2015

Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

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A rash indicates an abnormal change in skin color or texture. Rashes are usually caused by skin inflammation, which can have many causes.
There are many types of rashes, including eczema, granuloma annulare, lichen planus,pityriasis rosea etc. Here are some common skin rashes:

Eczema or Atopic dermatitis:Atopic dermatitis is an ongoing (chronic) condition that causes itchy, inflamed skin. Most often it appears as patches on the face, neck, trunk or limbs. It tends to flare up periodically and then subside for a time. Atopic dermatitis, often called eczema, is a common disorder of childhood which produces red itchy, weeping rashes on the inner aspects of the elbows and in back of the knees as well as the cheeks, neck, wrists, and ankles. It is commonly found in patients who also have asthma and hay fever. Eczema is a blanket term for several non-contagious conditions that cause inflamed, red, dry, and itchy skin. Doctors aren't sure what makes eczema start in the first place, but they do know that stress, irritants (like soaps), allergens, and climate can trigger flares. In adults, it often appears on the elbows, hands, and in skin folds. Several medications treat eczema. Some are spread over the skin, and others are taken by mouth or as a shot.Eczema is a general term that describes several different conditions in which skin is inflamed, red, scaly, and itchy. Eczema is a common skin condition, and atopic dermatitis (also called atopic eczema) is one of the most common forms of eczema. Eczema can occur in adults or children. The condition is not contagious. At-home interventions, such as avoiding harsher soaps and detergents or other irritants and applying creams or lotions, can lessen symptoms or reduce the risk of flare-ups. Medicated creams or ointments also can lessen symptoms.

Christmas tree rash (pityriasis rosea):Christmas tree rash (pityriasis rosea) is a fine, itchy, scaly rash that usually appears first as a single patch on the chest, abdomen or back. After this first appearance (herald patch), the rash may spread as small patches to other parts of the back and chest and to the limbs. The rash may form a pattern on the back that resembles the outline of a Christmas tree.A harmless rash, pityriasis rosea usually begins as a single scaly, pink patch with a raised border. Days to weeks later, it starts to itch and spread. The rash may look like Christmas trees spread across your body. Doctors don't know for sure what causes it, but they don't think it's contagious. It often goes away in 6 to 8 weeks without treatment. Pityriasis rosea most often shows up between the ages of 10 and 35. Pityriasis rosea is a common skin rash that usually is mild. The condition often begins with a large, scaly, pink patch of skin on the chest or back. The patch usually is followed by additional pink patches of skin. There is itching and redness or inflammation of the skin. The number and sizes of the spots can vary. Pityriasis rosea usually resolves without treatment within six to eight weeks, but it can last several months. Medicated lotions may lessen itchiness and may speed the disappearance of the rash. Often, though, no treatment is required.

Contact dermatitis: Contact with an irritant or allergen causes this form of dermatitis. Irritant contact dermatitis (A) usually produces a dry, scaly, non-itchy rash. Exposure to chemicals, such as cleaning products or industrial chemicals, causes this condition. The irritant will cause a rash on anyone exposed to it, but some people's skin may be more easily affected. Areas with thinner skin, such as the eyelids, are more likely to react. The severity of a reaction may vary with duration of exposure and the amount of irritant. Allergic contact dermatitis (B) produces a very itchy, red rash with bumps and sometimes blisters. Common allergy-causing agents (allergens) include latex rubber, nickel and poison ivy. Allergic contact dermatitis develops after your initial exposure to the allergen. Contact dermatitis is a rash that is brought on either by contact with a specific chemical to which the patient is uniquely allergic or with a substance that directly irritates the skin. Some chemicals are both irritants and allergens. This rash is also occasionally weepy and oozy and affects the parts of the skin which have come in direct contact with the offending substance. Common examples of contact dermatitis caused by allergy are poison ivy or poison oak (same chemical, different plant) and reactions to costume jewelry containing nickel.Avoiding the irritant or allergen allows the rash to heal, and medications may improve symptoms.

Drug rash: A drug rash may be either a side effect of a drug or an allergic reaction to a medication. While any medication may cause a drug rash, common culprits include antibiotics, anti-seizure medications and water pills (diuretics). Some drugs are more likely to produce a rash if the skin is exposed to sunlight. A drug rash, which usually starts within the first week of taking a new medication, often begins as discrete red spots that spread, covering large areas of the body. The rash usually resolves in days to weeks after discontinuing the medication. Certain drugs can produce skin rash as an unwanted side effect. The common appearance is similar to rashes produced by certain common viral infections. On the other hand, drugs may produce a wide variety of other types of rashes. A drug rash can rarely be part of a more serious, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that affects the respiratory system and other organs. These severe reactions require emergency care.

Heat rash (miliaria): Heat rash (miliaria) occurs when the flow of sweat is obstructed, usually due to hot, humid weather, overdressing, or tightfitting clothes. Prickly heat (miliaria rubra) is a type of heat rash that appears as clusters of small, red bumps that produce a pricking or stinging sensation (A). Miliaria crystallina appears as clear, fluid-filled bumps that generally produce no other signs or symptoms (B). This skin eruption is caused by the occlusion of sweat ducts during hot, humid weather. It can occur at any age but is most common in infants who are kept too warm. Heat rash looks like a red cluster of pimples or small blisters. It is more likely to occur on the neck and upper chest, in the groin, under the breasts, and in elbow creases. Treatment involves moving the individual to a cooler environment.Heat rash isn't serious and usually resolves on its own. You can prevent heat rash by wearing loose, lightweight clothing and avoiding excessive heat and humidity as much as possible.

Intertrigo: Intertrigo (in-tur-TRY-go) is inflammation caused by skin-to-skin friction, most often in warm, moist areas of the body, such as the groin, between folds of skin on the abdomen, under the breasts, under the arms or between toes. The affected skin may be sensitive or painful, and severe cases can result in oozing sores, cracked skin or bleeding. The warm, moist environment, coupled with skin irritation, can easily result in bacterial or fungal infections at the site. Intertrigo usually clears up if you find a way to keep the affected areas as clean and dry as possible. Wear loosefitting clothing, and use powder to reduce skin-to-skin friction in affected areas. Weight loss may be helpful as well. Infections related to intertrigo require drug treatment.

Lichen planus: Lichen planus (LIE-kun PLAY-nus) usually appears as purplish, often itchy, flat-topped bumps (lesions), most often on the inner forearm and near the wrists or ankles. Other common locations include the lower back, neck and legs. The condition may develop gradually over a couple of months. After that, it rarely worsens, but it may persist for months or years. You can usually control mild lichen playnus symptoms, such as stinging and itching, by applying cool compresses or aloe vera gel to affected areas. More-severe symptoms may require drug treatment. Lichen planus may also affect the mucous membranes, genitals, scalp or nails. Lesions on these sites these sites are generally more troublesome than are lesions on the limbs, persisting for longer periods and often recurring after initial healing.

Psoriasis: Psoriasis (suh-RIE-uh-sis) is the rapid buildup of rough, scaly skin that occurs when the life cycle of skin cells rapidly increases. The accumulation of dead skin cells results in thick, silvery scales and itchy, dry, inflamed patches that are sometimes painful. The condition tends to flare up periodically and then subside for a time before returning again. For some people, psoriasis is a mild nuisance. For others, it can be severely disabling, affecting extensive areas of skin for long periods and often occurring with a distinct type of arthritis — (psoriatic arthritis). Topical medications and light therapy may help reduce signs and symptoms of the skin lesions. This bumpy scaling eruption never weeps or oozes and tends to occur on the scalp, elbows, and knees. It leads to silvery flakes of skin that scale and fall off. Thick, red patches of skin covered with white or silvery scales are signs of psoriasis. Doctors know how psoriasis works -- your immune system triggers new skin cells to grow too quickly -- but they don't now what causes it. The patches show up on your scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. They can heal and come back throughout your life. Treatments include creams and ointments for your skin, light therapy, and medications taken by mouth, injection, or IV.

Ringworm of the body (tinea corporis): Ringworm of the body (tinea corpus) is a fungal infection that appears as itchy, red, scaly, slightly raised, expanding rings on the body. The ring grows outward as the infection spreads, and the center area becomes less actively infected. Ringworm is contagious. You can catch the infection through skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or by coming into close contact with contaminated objects, such as unwashed clothing or bedding. Treatment usually requires prescription antifungal medication. A tinea infection in the groin is called jock itch (tinea cruris), and a tinea infection of the foot is called athlete's foot (tinea pedis).

Rosacea: Rosacea (roe-ZAY-she-uh) is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition of adults that looks somewhat like acne. It causes redness in the face and produces either small red bumps or pus-filled bumps. For most people, rosacea tends to flare up periodically, lessen in intensity, and then flare up again. Certain foods, skin products, extreme temperatures and sun exposure can trigger an episode. Although there's no cure, treatments may control or reduce the signs and symptoms.

Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

 Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

 Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

 Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck 

Skin Rash Pictures Skin Rashes In Children On Face In Adults On Hands On Arms That Itch In Kids On Dogs On Chest On Neck

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